Our band had been invited to perform during Bintulu Petronas Family Day at Kidurong Club on last Saturday (21st Nov 2009).We had praticed hard for 3 days from day till night at Kidurong Club.Miss Janet was our conductor during that night performance.That night we played 2 songs which are "New World Symphony" and "Dancing Queen". At 1st, we were informed to perform at 8pm for band performance and 12am for closing ceremony. All of us are so excited to perform at 12am because this is the 1st time to perform so late at night. But tht night before 8pm, we had been informed tht the performance at 12am had been cancel due to concern n weather....And is true and lucky !! The weather change right after our 8pm performance. The wind become so strong and it start to rain heavily. Hahaha... Here are some pictures to share....Having dinner....
Percussion warm up
Players Warm Up
Colourguards and CG Coach
During the performance....
After the performance....
Group photo...
2 poor guys...it was raining heavily when we go home. Mdm.Lau Yen car is totally full and is not enough space for 2 more guys,so they sit "at d back outside d car".....hehe