Goodbye Mdm.Lina,1 of our lovely band teachers incharge Here, we have to congraz her that she get the chance to transfer back to her hometown and continue her job in education field. Mdm.Lina has been with us since 2008 until 2009. She is a very kind,helpful and lovely teacher. She had helped this band a lot during the moment she with us. Here, we would like to say THANK YOU A LOT to Mdm.Lina for all the things she had done for this band. On 18th Novemeber 2009, the band 2009/2010 BOD and the other teachers had a farewell dinner for Mdm.Lina at "Mandarin Restoran,豪华餐厅". All of us had a wonderful night.We ate a lot of delicious dishes, sing K, giving souvenier to Mdm.Lina and for sure photos taking.Below are the photos we took on tht night.Enjoy !! Mdm.Lau Yen, Mdm.Lina,Mdm.Yek and Miss Janet
They are selecting the songs....
Mdm.Yek is singing !!
Are they look alike ??
2009/2010 B.O.D, teachers and advisor
Giving souvenir to Mdm.Lina
They are shouting "THANK YOU,TEACHER! WE LOVE YOU!!" (in chinese)...haha
Mdm.Lina is giving the last advice and talk to the band...
the "K-BOYS"
the "K-GALS"
y i duno abt tis de....