We just ended our CG Workshop today (29/11).We having our workshop for 4 days (26-29th Nov 2009). This is the 1st year we have such CG workshop. Although there were not many of the CG that joined the workshop,most of them enjoy and practice hard in the workshop.It is fun and memorable. Miss Janet is the CG Coach who teaching us all the CG skills. The CG that joined the workshop were Janice, Patricia, Amanda,Michelle,Small Irene, Hui Ling, Shi Yii and Johnny "Gogo". Other than practice the CG skill,we also had some nice activities like workshop flag drawing, hand prints and photos taking. During the workshop, most of the cg hurt themselves especially when they learned tossing. Although they hurt themselves, they still trying and doing their best to make those skills better. And we have a small celebration party at pizza hut just now. Haha! All of us ate till very very full. Through this workshop, all the cg improve their skills, confident and friendship.
What they said ??
Janice: I learned a lot in CG Workshop.虽然oche,不过很满足很好玩。CG Together We Can !!
Patricia: 学到了Toss。虽然打到了脸 but 觉得很满足哟!
Amanda: I learn many new skills. Toss 好难!印象深刻~旗打到脸!还好,没有oche! =)
Michelle: I learn TOSS!! 很满足!=)
Small Irene: 虽然这次我一直打到自己,可是我真得觉得我真的有进步了!我很开心!也希望下次如果还有CG Workshop,我要更进步!加油!
Hui Ling: 丢旗很好玩哦!虽然会伤到自己,不过痛只是一时,不久过后就很容易丢了。这次CG Workshop 很好玩,希望明年还有!
Shi Yii: 我在这CG Workshop中,学到很多新的东西。虽然只是短短的4天但我学到了很多。希望我的Toss可以掌握得更好。
Johnny Gogo: I finally able to memorize all the CG names : Amanda, Janice, Patricia, Michelle, Small Irene, Shi Yii and Hui Ling.
Janet: I'm glad and happy to have such fun times with those CG in these 4 days. 看到你们的努力和坚强的毅力让我感到很欣慰也很开心。要把这4天学到的东西记起来,继续努力用心的练习哦!还有要保持你们彼此的美好关系哦!爱你们哦!哈哈!!The words from the CG...
The Colorful fingers "stars"
Guess which hands belongs to who ??
Our Hand prints!! haha
The target to achieve in the workshop that wrote by the CG !!
Celebration Party- Pizza Hut! :
Standing (From the left): Shi Yii, Small Irene, Michelle and Amanda
Sitting (From the left): Hui Ling, Patricia, Janet Jie Jie and JaniceThe presents bought by Janet Jie Jie from KL.
Janet Jie Jie and Johnny Gogo.
CG Leader- Janice, CG Assistant- Patricia
Yesterday (25Nov2009), after the music camp 2nd meeting, all of the B.O.D cooperate to tidy up our band room. All of us work hard together on each job.Here to say THANK YOU to all the BOD for the hard work you all did yesterday! No much to will show everything. TQ!
View from inside...
View from outside...
P/S: There are some more tht we not yet done...will be continue soon....tq
Our band had been invited to perform during Bintulu Petronas Family Day at Kidurong Club on last Saturday (21st Nov 2009).We had praticed hard for 3 days from day till night at Kidurong Club.Miss Janet was our conductor during that night performance.That night we played 2 songs which are "New World Symphony" and "Dancing Queen". At 1st, we were informed to perform at 8pm for band performance and 12am for closing ceremony. All of us are so excited to perform at 12am because this is the 1st time to perform so late at night. But tht night before 8pm, we had been informed tht the performance at 12am had been cancel due to concern n weather....And is true and lucky !! The weather change right after our 8pm performance. The wind become so strong and it start to rain heavily. Hahaha... Here are some pictures to share....Having dinner....
Percussion warm up
Players Warm Up
Colourguards and CG Coach
During the performance....
After the performance....
Group photo...
2 poor was raining heavily when we go home. Mdm.Lau Yen car is totally full and is not enough space for 2 more guys,so they sit "at d back outside d car".....hehe
Goodbye Mdm.Lina,1 of our lovely band teachers incharge Here, we have to congraz her that she get the chance to transfer back to her hometown and continue her job in education field. Mdm.Lina has been with us since 2008 until 2009. She is a very kind,helpful and lovely teacher. She had helped this band a lot during the moment she with us. Here, we would like to say THANK YOU A LOT to Mdm.Lina for all the things she had done for this band. On 18th Novemeber 2009, the band 2009/2010 BOD and the other teachers had a farewell dinner for Mdm.Lina at "Mandarin Restoran,豪华餐厅". All of us had a wonderful night.We ate a lot of delicious dishes, sing K, giving souvenier to Mdm.Lina and for sure photos taking.Below are the photos we took on tht night.Enjoy !! Mdm.Lau Yen, Mdm.Lina,Mdm.Yek and Miss Janet
They are selecting the songs....
Mdm.Yek is singing !!
Are they look alike ??
2009/2010 B.O.D, teachers and advisor
Giving souvenir to Mdm.Lina
They are shouting "THANK YOU,TEACHER! WE LOVE YOU!!" (in chinese)...haha
Mdm.Lina is giving the last advice and talk to the band...
the "K-BOYS"
the "K-GALS"