Our band just had a simple gathering dinner with some of the parents on Saturday night (11_July). Although it is just a simple dinner, all of us enjoyed very much!! We feel glad and thankful that there are some parents who start to support this band! Throughout this 2 months, all of us feel touch and having unforgettable memories after watching our competition performance video and the special memories video. We really feel very thankful to all the people who had helped and support this band! Here, once again we would like to say "THANK YOU!" to our coach - Miss Janet !!
Here are some pictures to share !!The parents and members were watching the band competition performance video !!
The president's-Zhen Tung dad who is the most supportive parent was sharing on the stage....
Alexander turn.....he was so nervous !! haha...but nice sharing!! P/S: Gene & Ju Hua also shared their experience & feeling in band to all!
Thanks Sin Yang ( The BEST Uniform Officer)! Good Luck in your STPM !!
Kallen - Good Luck In your SPM !!
Thanks to ah tung's dady!! Thanks for all the support & sponsor he did for the band !! P/S: Our competition videos in every year was recorded by him !! THANKS !!
GROUP PHOTO WITH PARENTS !! This is the 1st parents gathering which never happen in this band before !! Thanks to all Daddy & Mummy for coming !!
P/S: The special 2010 memories video,2010 National Comp video & 2009 State comp video has been uploaded!! Just click the link at the site of "Our Stories" TQ! ENJOY !!