Our band had our performance in:
*SMK Bintulu(Dewan Cenderawasih)
-Our band performed during the Award Giving Day. There are a lot of students have been awarded for their achievement throughout the year. Some of our band member also getting their awards. While waiting for our turn to perform, we try to practice more. Meantime, there are taekwondo performance, poetry performance and others. Below are some pictures to enjoy.....
- Time: 7.30am-12.00noon
- Date: 16/10/2010
- Venue: School Astaka
*Those who really cannot came, please INFORM your section leaders or assistant, president or vice presidents.
*Please be PUNCTUAL.
*PUNISHMENT will be given to those who are late or does not come without any reason.
*For more information, please look for:
- Thomas Ling(4E)
- Albert Tiong(4F)
- Amy Yong(4S7)
- Ting Yii Zhin(4S6)
Last week , on 9/09/2010-10/09/2010, our band had organized an Intensive Practice for the seniors or old members. As it was holiday, so there were not many seniors who attended the training. The Intensive Camp was conducted by our band instructor, Miss Janet as she came back to Bintulu for holiday. We all had been trained hard by Miss Janet during the practice. The practice were very interesting and it is a new style of training for us which we never did before.All of us feel very tiring after the training but it is worth !!
~Below are some pictures to enjoy....~
2010 Annual Band Camp
(M2M CAMP ( Marching 2 Music Camp)
Date: 18-23 December 2010 (Rest on 19/12/2010, Sunday)
Time: 7.30am-5.30pm
Fee: RM40 (Include lunch, photocopy, Christmas party & others)
Due Date for registration: 5/11/2010 (Friday)
*This year annual camp is ONLY for OLD MEMBERS.
· To reach higher standard through the improvement of our music, drill & discipline.
· To be prepared for next Marching Band State Competition 2011.
· Special and interesting game!
· Learn and practice more new skills and songs !
· This year will be a Different and Interesting camp!
*If you are interested, please get the registration form from:
· Morning session: Amy Yong(4S7) / Ting Yii Zhin(4S6)
· Afternoon session: Thomas Ling(4E) / Albert Tiong(4F)
*For more information, please find the people above.
*Any new member who is interested, please find Albert Tiong(4F) and Ting Yii Zhin(4S6). Thanks / *若有兴趣参与的新会员,请找张永平同学(4F)或陈雨苓同学(4S6)。谢谢。
Board of Director 2010/2011
Mdm Yek Hong Hong
Mdm Lau Yeng
Miss Lai Hui Yian
Mr Chieng Ching Lung
Band Instructor & Advisor :
Miss Janet Yeh
Thomas Ling Yee Pheng (Percussion)
Vice Presidents:
Albert Tiong (Percussion)
Amy Yong (Woodwind)
Ting Yii Zhin (Brass)
Lau Yee Sieng (Percussion)
Vice Secretary:
Joyce Sia (Woodwind)
Thian Hui Fang (Woodwind)
Janet Loh (Woodwind)
Vice Treasure:
Kallen Yek (Percussion)
Drum Major:
Foo Kai Siang (Senior)
Drum Major In Training:
Ithra Ting (Junior)
Michelle Ling
Woodwind Leader:
Jacky Yong
Woodwind Assistants:
Ang Kim Joo
Amy Yong
Brass Leader:
Jason Lim
Brass Assistants:
Goh Loke Chin
Ting Chung Yew
Percussion Leader:
Yong Wee Lin
Percussion Assistants:
Leong Chan Wai
Darrel Si
Colourguard Leader:
Irene Ling
Colourguard Assistant:
Kueh See Yee
Uniform Officers:
Yek Shao Lian (Leader)
Wong Ling Foo(Woodwind)
Thomas Ting (Woodwind)
F&B Officers:
Ithra Ting
Darrel Si
Yong Cheng Kong (Colourguard)
On the 19th July 2010, we are invited to give a performance during the retirement ceremony of our senior excellent principal, Mr Ling Tung Kong who had been contributing the school for 6 years. Early in the morning, all of the performers gathered at the band store and soon warming up at the cark park compound. By 7.45am , we were instructed to prepare ourselves infront of Mr Ling's residence. After the final checking for uniform and instrument, we started to march from Mr Ling's residence to the compound infront of the school hall. After the 3 beats drum roll, we started to play the song that we have practiced hardly, Joget Malaysia. The song ended with a nice impact and we stopped infront of the hall. After that, we were assigned to play the National Anthem in the hall. Then it comes to the time where speeches were given and we could have some time to have a rest. Never forget that we played a simple Happy Birthday Song when the Principal was cutting his birthday cake. Finally the ceremony came to an end after the last note of Ibu Pertiwiku is played. We also played some songs when all the VIPs were moving themselves to the Caunselling Room. We've made the ceromony to the climax when the the songs--- We're All In This Together and The Best Year of Our Lives began. After that, members were allowed to have a break and the performance for afternoon session started again right at 3pm.
Prepare ourselve the performence
Deep in our hearts, we wish and hope that Mr Ling would a great retirement and happy life forever. We'll appreciate all the things Mr Ling has done for the band.
Thank You, Mr Ling!
Our band just had a simple gathering dinner with some of the parents on Saturday night (11_July). Although it is just a simple dinner, all of us enjoyed very much!! We feel glad and thankful that there are some parents who start to support this band! Throughout this 2 months, all of us feel touch and having unforgettable memories after watching our competition performance video and the special memories video. We really feel very thankful to all the people who had helped and support this band! Here, once again we would like to say "THANK YOU!" to our coach - Miss Janet !!
Here are some pictures to share !!The parents and members were watching the band competition performance video !!
The president's-Zhen Tung dad who is the most supportive parent was sharing on the stage....
Alexander turn.....he was so nervous !! haha...but nice sharing!! P/S: Gene & Ju Hua also shared their experience & feeling in band to all!
Thanks Sin Yang ( The BEST Uniform Officer)! Good Luck in your STPM !!
Kallen - Good Luck In your SPM !!
Thanks to ah tung's dady!! Thanks for all the support & sponsor he did for the band !! P/S: Our competition videos in every year was recorded by him !! THANKS !!
GROUP PHOTO WITH PARENTS !! This is the 1st parents gathering which never happen in this band before !! Thanks to all Daddy & Mummy for coming !!
P/S: The special 2010 memories video,2010 National Comp video & 2009 State comp video has been uploaded!! Just click the link at the site of "Our Stories" TQ! ENJOY !!