Finally the music camp FINISH !! Wow, the camp is really tiring but we all enjoy it very much !! We learned a lot of new things in this camp this time. Although there are not many of them join the music camp due to the holiday traveling, we still enjoy ourselves in this 4 days, especially today!! We having a period of time of games and a small Christmas celebration party. There are some photos to share here....enjoy !!
P/S: For more music camp pictures, you can see after 2 days at our band gallery by clicking the gallery link.TQ!
1st Day:2nd Day:
3rd Day:4th Day:
Congratulations to all the PMR members for the excellent result !!
Dear B.O.D,
We will have our 2010 Annual Meeting on next Monday (28th Dec 2009), 8.00am at school.
Each section please prepare your report and make sure u send your report to Irene two days b4 the meeting (26th Dec 2009).
This is an IMPORTANT MEETING !! All the B.O.D are COMPULSORY to attend the meeting. Those who cannot attend the meeting, please take leave or inform Irene Ngu with your good reason.
P/S: Those who had problems in preparing the report or planning, please ask for help from our advisor - Miss Janet as soon as possible.
Thanks !!
Mr Mitsuo Nonami, a renowned band clinician, composer from Japan was born in Okinawa. He was a band member in the American Armed Forces station in Japan and was offered a job in the Yamaha Foundation after his graduation from the Nemono Institute of Music. He studied band composition under Bin Kanede a famous composer in Japan.
He has been the most sought after adjudicator in Japan, Singapore and Malaysia. He has contributed much to the development of school bands in Singapore and Malaysia.
Mr.Nonami will come to Bintulu again on 31st Dec till 2nd Jan 2010. There will be a music workshop at Kai Dee School. This workshop is open to SMK Bintulu Marching Band members. All members who are interested to join, please inform our band instructor, Miss Janet or band president, Lau Zhen Tung. The workshop fee cost RM50 include the lunch for 3 days. This is a very good opportunity for all of you to learn and improve ur music skill / knowledge. All the band B.O.D are COMPULSORY to join!! Please do apprieciate this learning chance. Thanks !
Dear B.O.D, please take some times to check your email b4 this Thursday (17 Dec 2009). Make sure each of you receive an email sent by secretary - Irene Ngu. Thank You !!
P/S: Dont forget hav to prepare for coming music camp o !! Good Luck !!
Dear BOD,
*Remember you all are a team now!
*Remember our band slogan " TOGETHER WE CAN" meaning!
*Remember each of your position and responsible in the band!
*Remember to believe that you all can make a better Bintulu Band in the coming year!
*Remember to do what you all promise to do!
*Remember to set an aim or target and be clear in anything you do!
*Remember to organize a systematic band management!
*Remember to "stand up" after you "fall down"!
*Remember to use your HEART in anything you're doing!
*Remember to share rather than be a selfish person!
*Remember to care and believe to each other!
*Remember to Maintain and Keeps the members in the band!
*Remember to show and prove that you all CAN be BELIEVE in doing any job!
*Remember to think positive always and be thankful of what you all have and learn in the band!
*Remember to think of the happy moments in the band when you feel bad or tired in the band!
*Remember that you all are the senior in the band now and have to show your caring as a senior to the juniors!
*Remember that you all have to grow up and be more independent!
*Remember that band is another big music family for each of us!
*Remember that you are not alone in anything you do in this band!
*Remember that you all can face and solve any big or small problems TOGETHER !
*Remember that if YOU THINK YOU CAN then YOU CAN ! If you think you cant then you cant!
*Remember that our band always is a strong and tough band!
*Remember don't compare the band with others because every band situation is different!
*Remember the reasons that make you joined the band at 1st when you lost you heart in band!
*Remember there are always people who are willing to help and care of you all !
*Remember to "pick up the stone" in from of you b4 there is a "big high wall" appear in front of you! (碰到眼前的“石头”,不要不处理反要把那些石头捡起来;不要等到这些石头堆成一道又高又大的墙壁,那时要把这道墙除去会比当初捡起那些石头更辛苦!)
~Remember to REMEMBER all of these above when you are lost or tired in what you are doing in band!
We just ended our CG Workshop today (29/11).We having our workshop for 4 days (26-29th Nov 2009). This is the 1st year we have such CG workshop. Although there were not many of the CG that joined the workshop,most of them enjoy and practice hard in the workshop.It is fun and memorable. Miss Janet is the CG Coach who teaching us all the CG skills. The CG that joined the workshop were Janice, Patricia, Amanda,Michelle,Small Irene, Hui Ling, Shi Yii and Johnny "Gogo". Other than practice the CG skill,we also had some nice activities like workshop flag drawing, hand prints and photos taking. During the workshop, most of the cg hurt themselves especially when they learned tossing. Although they hurt themselves, they still trying and doing their best to make those skills better. And we have a small celebration party at pizza hut just now. Haha! All of us ate till very very full. Through this workshop, all the cg improve their skills, confident and friendship.
What they said ??
Janice: I learned a lot in CG Workshop.虽然oche,不过很满足很好玩。CG Together We Can !!
Patricia: 学到了Toss。虽然打到了脸 but 觉得很满足哟!
Amanda: I learn many new skills. Toss 好难!印象深刻~旗打到脸!还好,没有oche! =)
Michelle: I learn TOSS!! 很满足!=)
Small Irene: 虽然这次我一直打到自己,可是我真得觉得我真的有进步了!我很开心!也希望下次如果还有CG Workshop,我要更进步!加油!
Hui Ling: 丢旗很好玩哦!虽然会伤到自己,不过痛只是一时,不久过后就很容易丢了。这次CG Workshop 很好玩,希望明年还有!
Shi Yii: 我在这CG Workshop中,学到很多新的东西。虽然只是短短的4天但我学到了很多。希望我的Toss可以掌握得更好。
Johnny Gogo: I finally able to memorize all the CG names : Amanda, Janice, Patricia, Michelle, Small Irene, Shi Yii and Hui Ling.
Janet: I'm glad and happy to have such fun times with those CG in these 4 days. 看到你们的努力和坚强的毅力让我感到很欣慰也很开心。要把这4天学到的东西记起来,继续努力用心的练习哦!还有要保持你们彼此的美好关系哦!爱你们哦!哈哈!!The words from the CG...
The Colorful fingers "stars"
Guess which hands belongs to who ??
Our Hand prints!! haha
The target to achieve in the workshop that wrote by the CG !!
Celebration Party- Pizza Hut! :
Standing (From the left): Shi Yii, Small Irene, Michelle and Amanda
Sitting (From the left): Hui Ling, Patricia, Janet Jie Jie and JaniceThe presents bought by Janet Jie Jie from KL.
Janet Jie Jie and Johnny Gogo.
CG Leader- Janice, CG Assistant- Patricia