Mr Mitsuo Nonami, a renowned band clinician, composer from Japan was born in Okinawa. He was a band member in the American Armed Forces station in Japan and was offered a job in the Yamaha Foundation after his graduation from the Nemono Institute of Music. He studied band composition under Bin Kanede a famous composer in Japan.
He has been the most sought after adjudicator in Japan, Singapore and Malaysia. He has contributed much to the development of school bands in Singapore and Malaysia.
Mr.Nonami will come to Bintulu again on 31st Dec till 2nd Jan 2010. There will be a music workshop at Kai Dee School. This workshop is open to SMK Bintulu Marching Band members. All members who are interested to join, please inform our band instructor, Miss Janet or band president, Lau Zhen Tung. The workshop fee cost RM50 include the lunch for 3 days. This is a very good opportunity for all of you to learn and improve ur music skill / knowledge. All the band B.O.D are COMPULSORY to join!! Please do apprieciate this learning chance. Thanks !