Our band had been doing a farewell dinner on 8th of september this year to farewell those form 5 and form 6 seniors in our band. The dinner is very nicely done, there were many performance during the dinner and some of those form 5 seniors have performance too. And below are some of the photos we took during the dinner. For more photo, please visit our band gallery. ~~ Thanks~
MC talking!!!

冷笑话比赛~(Cold Joke Competition)
Champion,1st runner up

Others ~
All the performance during the Dinner~

colourguard Dancing~

Shuffle Performance!!!
colourguard singing

2 Form 5 seniors singing, Nice one~
HeheForm 5 and form 6 senior members receiving presents from teacher.
Thank you for all the hard works that you all did in band.~~ Farewell !

Teacher is giving present to our music instructor -Mr.Miraz.Thanks for spending your time just to make us better, we will work harder!! Next is our new president and vice president giving presents to our band teachers~Mdm.Lau and Mdm Yek. Thank you teacher !!

DVD PLAYER!!!!!!!!!

WA! So heavy
Nice tupperware~ XD

Group Photo!!!!
nice...btw who are the others cg tht perform the dance ?? new cgs??
btw..those cg wear so sexy o !! haha
n tht 2 singing cg also new cg ?? no see their faces b4 ??look like there are more new cgs now !! GOOD NEWS!!
wah...the lucky draw presents so nice d !! who sponcer the presents ?? got DVD player lagi le !!
oh ya, where is my present le ??!! haha !!kd!!
anyway, good job for the successful dinner !!
HiHi... It's been a hardwok 2 all d performers hu perform during our farewell dinner. It's been exciting n satisfactry 4 me myself 2. Hahax... den I hope tat our next program will make it better lar. GAMBATTE... BAND 2GETHER WE CAN! By The President 2009.